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To ALL Our Loyal Supporters

Caryl and Ralph in the garden

We have not sent out our newsletter, nor updated our website and Facebook page for the last several years. There are a number of reasons why as we move forward.

  1. When I was young, I found a gift clothed in beauty and inside rays of kindness, compassion and infinite affection radiating from a column of light that lifted my spirits.
    As the years passed by my treasured gift became like the last leaf on a tree, fragile, worn and battered by storms at night and crippling winds during the day, yet remained attached, not wanting to let go.
    One winter morning at the base of the barren tree lay the yellow leaf laced with naked veins soon to disappear and replenish the earth.
    Now all that remains of my beautiful gift is the light of her life and spirit that is part of me and the immense sadness and unforgettable memories that I carry, and somehow try to move on.
    The creation of Precious Life Animal Sanctuary is the result of Caryl’s vision, commitment and loving awareness towards all life. (See Caryl’s obituary)
  2. We are slowly recovering from the pandemic, as you may recall in February 2020, Covid 19, killed 37 in a Western Washington nursing home, and quickly spread across the U.S. killing thousands per week. There was high unemployment, restaurants closed, strict stay at home orders and banned gatherings. As a result, donations were down, fundraisers cancelled, no volunteers, dismal ferry service and incredible feed and maintenance costs.
    Thankfully, many aspects of our lives are returning to normal as pandemic cases are minimal across the United States and travel will now exceed pre-pandemic levels this summer.
  3. We have been blessed to have had Ken Haroda, a volunteer for the last 10 years, maintaining the 80 acres and his dedication in caring for all the rescued animals.
    On February 2023, Ken moved back to Arizona and his departure has had an immediate impact on the visual aesthetics of the property.
    Presently Precious Life Animal Sanctuary is fortunate to have Barry and Shirley volunteers and Tony and Terri volunteers who care and feed all the rescued animals as well as the wild water fowl and a deer herd.
    All their help has been crucial this spring as I recover from an Achilles tendon tear and a fractured rib from a riding mower accident.
flowers in front of the cabin

Given these setbacks, there will always be one exhilarating event we can count on and that is the arrival of spring and new life everywhere.

Underneath the darkness of the earth, hundreds of daffodils have risen to bloom along with hyacinths of every color to sweeten the spring air at the sanctuary.

All the rescued animals and wildlife are active now that winter is over and they can lay under the rays of the sun and feel gentle warm winds that blow day and night.

Anyone that has visited Precious Life Animals Sanctuary knows that it is truly a piece of heaven for those rescues fortunate to end up here.

Many of you have asked where the rescues come from and we have updated their stories. Some are short narratives and others long depending upon the circumstances surrounding their rescue.

Thanks for your support and enjoy what looks to be a long hot summer.

For the Animals,
Precious Life Animal Sanctuary
Ralph Turner, Founder

May 2023